A Trip Home.

May 11th, 2021, Driving, Cornwall

Driving home was it the polarised sunglasses or was the lane especially verdant? A flouro shrubbery electric with bluebell and campion ravers. Somehow plugged in like a gaudy neon sign. Everything with a slight hallucinogenic touch, colours more vivid, shapes pronounced. Senses alert, awake, unexpectedly bright. I was driving inside an acid tunnel, the lane swooping and curving, a rush of passing greenery and spring explosions. I felt alive, energised like I haven’t felt in so long. What if my lunchtime pasty had in fact been spiked with some trippy drug? The radio had sounded particullarly good driving out of town. Beats and rhythms moving through my whole body from an immovable smile on my lips to a steady tap of my toes. Blue shades on, the blue shade gone.

Haha! Immersed in the hilarious notion of a spiked pasty I revelled in my trip home, my eye then caught out the window to a peacock in full display, turning to me through a field gate. Electric glittering blue, a shimmering, shuddering fan of a thousand eyes and two non-chalant ones at centre. I explode with laughter; involuntary, hearty and heartfelt at the hilarity of it all.


Blues up and down.


Tiny Tartan.