
September 1st, 2018. Last House, Isle of Lewis.

I cannot write this as a stroll down memory lane, because it is the path of a future, winding out ahead. These two people, very much in love with each other and with life, starting the next chapter of their stories. Today I sit looking out at a sunny early autumn day. The golden light illuminating the long grass heads that dance outside the door. The view is as permanent as the first morning I sat down at this table. There is a colourful map of South America on the wall. Beneath it is a long to-do list, the many chores involved with packing up a home and a life. Our backpacks sit patiently beneath. Saying goodbye today is incredibly hard. By Rosie and the Hebrides have been the focus of my life for many years now and I can count on one hand any struggles. I have felt blessed. But in saying goodbye, the future unfolds like a crisp, new map. The permanency of our Hebridean view swapped for new paths, new views and exciting new adventures.


The body beats.

